Barbara Murphy | Life Coach


What is the difference between Life Coaching and Therapy?

Although there are some similarities between these disciplines, there are also some key differences.

Counselling is a therapeutic approach designed to address and process both past and present issues.

Psychotherapy is a therapeutic approach aimed at managing and treating mental health issues.

Life Coaching, in contrast is action-oriented and designed to facilitate positive change. It involves clients committing to actionable steps between sessions to progress towards their goals.

By focusing on the present and looking ahead to the future, it helps clients identify meaningful objectives.

This method can be particularly beneficial for those feeling stuck or lost, providing them with the space to explore the underlying reasons and find directions.

How many sessions will I need?

Providing a definitive answer to this question is challenging, as it depends on various factors, including the nature of the goal, the client’s progress and their commitment.

Many clients experience significant progress within 4 to 6 sessions.

I would like to start the life coaching process but I feel worried about it.

It is entirely normal and understandable to feel nervous or apprehensive before beginning your coaching sessions. Growth and change can be intimidating, but they are well worth the effort. I encourage you to push through any discomfort, and I will make every effort to ensure you feel comfortable, safe and free from any judgement.

Many clients find that their anxiety significantly decreases after the first session.

I have already paid for my agreed-upon sessions but have decided not to proceed with life coaching.

Please note that once payment has been made for your initial agreed-upon sessions, refunds are not available.